Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mothering Sunday

How very disheartening it is to go to a beauty salon and, as you walk through the door, hear the receptive, smiling beautician ask 'Eyebrow shaping?' when it hadn't crossed your mind to do anything to your eyebrows, in years.
'Eyelash TINT' I say pointedly, but now in the knowledge that my eyebrows obviously look like a wild hedgerow. My Mother's Day treat is suddenly barbed.
In this house we got Mothering Sunday all confused. I got the day off last Saturday and cards scrawled on by the boys on Sunday, only to find out mid-week that we'd been premature on the whole thing and it is actually this Sunday when I am meant to be pampered. Not sure I can expect more treats again just one week later... For the record, I chose to spend that precious day off contorting myself in a yoga studio four times hotter than the sun and then had the aforementioned beauty salon expose. I've got a much better idea for this coming Sunday; I'll just stay at home where I still get a workout and no-one challenges my beauty regime.

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